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Promising Waters / Mila Teshaieva
September 2016

© Mila Teshaieva
Pop-up screening & talk
Monday September 26, 2016, 7:30 PM
Moderated by photographer Anastasia Taylor-Lind
Mila Teshaieva's project looks at how three newly formed countries are staking claims to independence in the 21st century, principally via their fossil-fuel reserves. Such boon-times engender pockets of prosperity and ever more poverty--as well as environmental destruction.
The Caspian Sea sits atop a mother lode of vast quantities of oil and gas. How do three new nation states sharing its shores manage this lucrative promise? Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, & Turkmenistan all formed from the collapsed Soviet Union, have reaped rewards and driven their ecosystems to the brink of collapse at the same time.
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